Updates on QBT, Shader and the main mechanic

Hello everyone!
The QBTeam is happy to show you some news.


We've made progress on the shader. We made a lot of research and tried to find the art style that we like.

We had multiple research phase in which we tried some differents possibilities.

One of our first idea for the artistic direction of the game indoors was adding hatching in the shadow.

So we tried some different form that could take the hatching in the game as you can see it here: https://imgur.com/a/shader-exploration-v1-qbt-Yv5ekYo

After that one of them was preferred by the team so we decided to dig deeper in this direction.
We did several tries as you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/shader-exploration-v2-qbt-RjKmuie

The problem we encountered soon enough after some feedbacks was the problem that the hatching will cause. As you can see in the picture above, the line on the cylinder is broken in half.

This problem is due to the UV of the 3D objects. It could certainly be corrected with some work and time but since we are short in time we cannot go into an uncertain way like this one.
One particularity we liked of the various different test we did was the different grayscales separated in distinct area. We tried to iterate on that idea.

You can see our different iteration here: https://imgur.com/a/18bNlra

We chose this one:

With a point light.

With some spots lights.

We decided to go for 10 different gray scales in 10 distinct areas with some dithering.
You can see the new look in the new build dedicated to the shader!

New mechanic, the Gravity

We also made some progress on the main mechanic.

Indeed, after a lot of time and quite some difficulties, we managed to make it work.

The one thing that held us back was the camera. We didn't see how to have a camera that adapt and work on every face of a cube.
After learning more precisely quaternion we understand how to make it worked.

You can try the mechanic in the new build dedicated to the new mechanic!

Not everything is finished but it is a good beginning.

Thank you for your reading we will try to keep you updated on the different aspect of the project.

Robin Lefebvre and the QBTeam


QBT-v0.2_Shader.zip 29 MB
Nov 01, 2024
QBT-v0.1_Gravity.zip 29 MB
Nov 01, 2024


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